Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson

Today we learned the procedure for checking out a camera, filming, and editing. It is important to   know the procedure before we start the process of filming and editing to prevent the loss of footage or time. The first step is to check out the camera and the equipment, then insert the SD card you will be using into the camera. Then hit the record button and begin the filming process. After all the filming in completed and and you have gathered all the takes need, begin the dumping process. To dump the footage on your computer, eject the SD card from the camera and use the SD card reader to transfer the footage. To find the footage you should look under the DCIM section of the SD folder and if it is not located there check under the folder labeled private. After all the footage is transferred from the SD card to the desktop create a folder to store all the footage in. Creating a folder puts all the footage in the same place and makes it easier to access. Once all this is done you are ready to start editing.
        We are using Pinnacle Studios for this assignment. After you open up Pinnacle studios you need to import the footage. To do this, click the button on the top that is titled “import”. A pop up will appear that displays all of your desktop items scroll until you find the folder you made previously. If your folder does not appear check to verify you are looking under “my computer”. When you are selecting which takes to import make sure all the footage you would like to import is highlighted in yellow. Click the button that says “start import” and wait for it to load. Once you see all your footage imported click “edit”. The screen should now display all of your raw footage. Once your footage appears you can drag and drop the take you want to work with. If you want to edit them all at the same time, highlight the takes the same as you would highlight text.
        To add transitions to your footage, right click and open effects editor then click transitions. To add titles or text to your footage click on the “t”. To add effects to your text click on “motions”. Ensure that you only edit your footage on AV track 2 this keeps the footage isolated. If you want to edit in a title, add it to the track above your footage that will ensure it shows on top of your shot. The reverse applies for sound, add it in on a track below the footage. If you want to add in a sound from the internet make sure it is in mp3 form. Sound can be imported using the same process as footage. To remove sound from you footage right click on the footage and select “detach audio”. Once you have completed editing your footage click the “export” button on top. A pop up will appear select mp4 and best quality then start export. It will give you an option to select where to save the footage, in this case select the folder where all of your raw footage is located.

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